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Husna Chhoangalia

Employee Path


Technology Graduate Scheme

The Technology Graduate Scheme is yearlong and consists of four rotations within Parexel Informatics and the wider business.

I started working at Parexel a little under a year ago. On nearing the end of my degree in Biomedical Science I was researching companies and I had made a conscious decision that I wanted a change from science however; I still wanted to work in an industry that I had a familiarity with. PAREXEL exceeded that vision- the company allowed me to work within the Informatics sector, which was an area I had not had a huge amount of exposure to and was therefore the change and challenge I wanted. On reading up on the company’s mission and values and meeting existing employees at the careers fair I knew I would be well suited.

As I am on the graduate scheme the day is very much dictated by the current rotation I am based in. My days have ranged from organizing and facilitating Big Room Planning to conducting workshops with the view to create solutions to very current issues. The graduate scheme has also given me exposure to many people of all seniorities within the company and therefore helping me enhance my own personal network.

All the roles I have undertaken have required a high level of communication, stakeholder management and the drive to use your own initiative in unknown areas. My favorite part of what I do is the diversity of the job as well as the people who are always friendly and willing to help. Recently I have secured a job within Quality helping with the implementation of the “Quality First” initiative, I am extremely excited about the role as it will further allow me to practice all the skills and tasks I have enjoyed developing through the scheme.

Outside of work I am a keen traveler with my most recent trip taking me and my backpack to Chile and Argentina, my personal goal is to cover all the continents… I have three to go!

Finally, Parexel’s mission statement means being able to leave the office knowing that you have helped contribute someway to helping prevent and cure disease, which is what it is all about.

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